Nature Pic of the Day - 20081218 - Le Desert du Namib
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December 18, 2008: Le Desert du Namib
Professional DSLR photography.
Credit & Copyright: Dominique Citrini from France
Le Desert du Namib: "Coucher de Soleil sur les dunes au Namib"
Windblown desert grass clings to life in the soft light that illuminates this beautiful scene in the Namib Desert, captured by Dominique Citrini.

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2013-08-03 02:38:16
Birdlegs from Fresno, CA about 11years ago said:
Very pretty picture, Dominique. There are always beautiful things in the desert if you look hard enough for them!
Kerry from Cambridge, Ont. Cdn. about 16years ago said:
stunning. Lovely framing with the grass.
liane from montana about 16years ago said:
What season is this? The grass is beautiful with the contrast of the barren land.
Gerard LEGENDRE from Versailles (France) about 16years ago said:
Oui je connais cet endroit, c'est superbe! Tres belle photo, Bravo
Becky from Washington about 16years ago said:
It's an oasis playing tricks on your mind!
Cian from Someplace Warm about 16years ago said:
Gorgeous, I really like the lighting. Is that dark part at the bottom left water or sand?
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