Nature Pic of the Day - 20090207 - Gowlland Tod Needles
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February 7, 2009: Gowlland Tod Needles
Nikon DSLR Camera
Credit & Copyright: Anne M. Fearon-Wood from Sidney-by-the-sea, British Columbia, Canada
Gowlland Tod Needles: British Columbia's Gowlland Tod Provincial Park lies at the southern end of Vancouver Island. The park is named for the Gowlland Range mountains and Todd Inlet, which are two of its main features.

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2009-02-11 18:12:15
mew from Sidney about 16years ago said:
Elegant simplicity
Fluggies from Irishtown about 16years ago said:
Hmmmmmmm would this have made for a nice Christmas tree when I needed it Dec 24 about 2 PM?
J Wood from Winnipeg about 16years ago said:
Insiteful picture of something we would scarcely notice. We normally see the big blur of green where this has focussed in on the very makeup of the tree and possibly the beginnings of its eventual death. Moving.
Kountry Kamper from Yeeyaw Junction, Florida about 16years ago said:
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