Nature Pic of the Day - 20090312 - Footprints On The Sand
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March 12, 2009: Footprints On The Sand
Crab legs!  Fresh crab.  Enjoy seafood.  Go crabbing.  Deep sea fishing.
Credit & Copyright: Alpesh Parmar from India
Footprints On The Sand: These "footprints" were left by little crabs, trekking back and forth on their little crab adventures. It is interesting to see how the crab trails radiate out from a central hole, with some of the trails leading to different holes, and other trails heading out for points unknown.

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2010-05-31 21:20:52
luish from ph about 14years ago said:
its like a microscopic stuff
ketan kaka from Ahmedabad about 16years ago said:
good go ahed
Divyesh Nagar from Ahmedabad about 16years ago said:
excellent photo
Hans Pondorfer from Austria about 16years ago said:
really fine nature pic!
bhavana from new delhi about 16years ago said:
most fscinating picture................gracious resurrection of nature........
Arvind Ghosalkar from Ahmedabad-India about 16years ago said:
Congratulation Alpesh, very good and it's giving real sand sodam and I have seen photograpic wetness
sudha from Hyderabad, India about 16years ago said:
excelent picture... really captivating...things we ususally tend to unnotice were noticed by the lence... well done
Darsab from Ahembadab about 16years ago said:
very good picture
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