Nature Pic of the Day - 20091026 - Incoming Pelicans
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October 26, 2009: Incoming Pelicans
pelicans, birds, bird watching.  Picture of nature.
Credit & Copyright: NPOD
Incoming Pelicans: Pelicans fly over the ever present onslaught of waves crashing against the Pacific coast.

Your Rating: 0.5/51.0/51.5/52.0/52.5/53.0/53.5/54.0/54.5/55.0/5
Avg. Rating: 2.98
2009-10-26 20:35:39
A from a about 15years ago said:
Math Man. . . you are a looser
Anastasya from California about 15years ago said:
Absolutely beautiful. Thanks!
Father of NPOD creator from work about 15years ago said:
The picture is nice. When we were there I was watching the birds, here I see the complete view. Makes it even nicer than I remember.
Susanne from The Netherlands about 15years ago said:
Very beautiful!
Ali from Heaven about 15years ago said:
I love it..I love it...I love it!
Math Man from i dunno about 15years ago said:
My rating brought the avg to 3.14- thats pi!!!!!!!!!!!
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