Nature Pic of the Day - 20101120 - Summer in the Highlands
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November 20, 2010: Summer in the Highlands
Glen Etive, Scotland
Credit & Copyright: Grisleyreg (Roger Perren) from Somerset, England, UK
Summer in the Highlands: "The stunted trees show the effects of winter storms and the river lays quiet in the summer sun."

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2011-03-06 02:11:53
Ishaan from New Delhi about 13years ago said:
Where was this taken? Just curious Reminds me Corbett National Park..maybe i'm wrong :P
Blake from ID about 13years ago said:
I like it. Makes me want to backtrack the river up the valley. Also, looks like it would be a lot of fun on an intertube.
Kim Hansen from Noeway about 13years ago said:
Wtf! Hov did this overeksposed picture, that is totoly ot of focus get this high. This most be ment as a joke:) If not i now nothing about photagrafy. MVH Kim from norway. Ps Sorry about the bad english:)
Dude from US about 14years ago said:
Haha, called out!
Dude from US about 14years ago said:
I'm definitely falling asleep. This pic is quite boring if you ask me, but hey I'm no pro.
Andy from US about 14years ago said:
I think I'm falling asleep....ZZZZZZZZZ
Jean Allen from Flat Rock, North Carolina, USA about 14years ago said:
It looks like a good day for a long hike.
Shaun from UK about 14years ago said:
Nice composition
ELLEN from ENGLAND about 14years ago said:
liza from america about 14years ago said:
not too bad
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