Nature Pic of the Day - 20120212 - Just Hopping By
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February 12, 2012: Just Hopping By
Frog in Australia
Credit & Copyright: Christine Becker from British Columbia, Canada
Just Hopping By: "Excuse me! I'm just hopping in out of that downpour for a little while. Hope you don't mind sharing your space."

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2012-12-02 12:57:02
Jose de la Mora from Mexico, D. F. about 12years ago said:
Me recuerda la infancia de manzanitas que tuve.
Christine from Australia about 12years ago said:
I am green, I am wild, (but not a stately lizard) and I thank everybody for looking at me and wish you all a wonderful day. Lucky frog that I am.
Laura from Brasil about 12years ago said:
What a great photo, Christine! I loved the face of this little friend...Beautiful!
Mira from Canada about 12years ago said:
Gosh, how green! And take a look at those feet! I have seen many frogs, but never such feet. Lucky shot Christine. Love it.
Inge from Canada about 12years ago said:
Only the chosen get the privilege to be asked for shelter by a frog. I love it.
Ali from Tehran about 12years ago said:
You cute little nini! Where have you beeeen so far!? Lovely shot! Thank you Christine.
Christine from Australia about 12years ago said:
Thank you David and Betty. I did indeed kiss him, but nothing has happened so far!
Betty from Canada about 12years ago said:
Hmmm! are you sure he's not the Handsome Prince Charming??? Delightfull picture Christine, thanks for sharing.
David from Maidstone UK about 12years ago said:
Lovely one Christine, especially the caption !
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