Nature Pic of the Day - 20140225 - The Long Way
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February 25, 2014: The Long Way
Winter mountain hike in the Alborz Mountains near Tehran
Credit & Copyright: Ali Nikooravin from Tehran, Iran
The Long Way: "Walking in the fog of a mountainous area ... "

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2015-03-11 17:57:37
Leila from Tehran about 9years ago said:
Very beautiful
Ali from Tehran about 10years ago said:
Thank you, Christine! Yes indeed, the only sound there, is the reason I visit such places once in a while even in snowy conditions.
Christine from Australia about 10years ago said:
Lovely photo Ali, thank you. I can hear the soft gurgling of the stream, the only sound in this pristine scene. - By the way, all the snow you don't want, you can send to me. :)
Ali from Tehran about 10years ago said:
Thank you Jim, Cynthia,Rob and Laura! Have a great day everyone : )
Laura from Brasil about 10years ago said:
Ali, This is a beautiful photo....The Long Way in our lives, walking and dreaming, sometimes singing, who knows ? Wonderful, dear Ali. Be happy ! ; )
rob barrett from minneapolis, mn about 10years ago said:
I'm so tired of this winter!
Cynthia from U.S.A. about 10years ago said:
A wonderful image. So serene.
Jim from Nebraska about 10years ago said:
'Lovely photo, Ali! I like the leading line of the brook.
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