Nature Pic of the Day - 20141124 - Very Shy And Seldom Seen
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November 24, 2014: Very Shy And Seldom Seen
Exotic Australian bird
Credit & Copyright: Christine Becker from British Columbia, Canada
Very Shy And Seldom Seen: "'The bird that tried out all the paint pots.'
It’s not a close up as that particular bird is extremely shy."

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2014-11-25 01:19:49
Ali from Tehran about 10years ago said:
Christine! I am so sorry that I haven't made it yet because that type of bird is also extremely shy and fast, so its hard to get a picture of him. Thank you! : )
Christine from Australia about 10years ago said:
Thank you everyone for enjoying this colourful creation of nature. A little paint from each pot! I actually took the photo from behind the window. :) - What story did the little bird tell me Ali? Of course the one about your Bulbul. :)
Inge from Canada about 10years ago said:
High praise for this photo. It has all the elements to catch your attention. Bravo!
Laura from Brasil about 10years ago said:
Ahhhhh! What a beauty! Wonderful colors that this delicate bird has! I love all in your photo, Dear Christine ! So sensitive! : )
Jim from Nebraska about 10years ago said:
Great capture, Christine! What a magnificent bird! That's a lovely shot. You must have had real stealth :-)
Ali from Tehran about 10years ago said:
A beautiful visitor! What was the story that he told about?
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