Nature Pic of the Day - 20150828 - Stripes and Spots
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August 28, 2015: Stripes and Spots
Caterpillar in Lincoln Nebraska
Credit & Copyright: Jim Wickless from Lincoln, NE
Stripes and Spots: "A Tiger Swallowtail caterpillar dines on a slender stalk of fennel."

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2015-08-29 19:15:06
Laura from Brasil about 9years ago said:
Nature with perfection...So beautiful...
Jim from Nebraska about 9years ago said:
Thanks, Rob. I was about 3 feet away with a 450mm equivalent lens.
rob barrrett from minneapolis about 9years ago said:
love it, Jim. great job. How far away were you from it.
Jill from Omaha, Ne about 9years ago said:
Great shot! Cute little guy!
Jim from Nebraska about 9years ago said:
Renee, I'd say you've really turned out some nice images with your iPhone. Congratulations on your new acquisition!
Renee from Nazareth about 9years ago said:
Jim, I have a very similar photo that I was going to submit shortly. Finally got a "real" camera, rather than simply an iPhone and I'm learning how to use it. I thought of you while taking the pic. One again, nicely done!
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