Nature Pic of the Day - 20150830 - Royalty
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August 30, 2015: Royalty
Full grown Monarch Butterfly in Lincoln, Nebraska
Credit & Copyright: Jim Wickless from Lincoln, NE
Royalty: "A monarch, indeed!"

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2015-08-31 00:34:12
Christine from Somewhere about 9years ago said:
Your wife only has your best interest at heart. :) I can wait until you get that round toit. But selfishly, I'd love to visit your website and go back through the months, plus all the other ones that have not appeared on NPOD.
rob barrett from minneapolis about 9years ago said:
love it. We haven't had many up her this year
Harsha from India about 9years ago said:
Nice shot.
Jim from Nebraska about 9years ago said:
Thank you , all, for your very kind comments. Christine, I used to have a website but it crashed a few years ago and I haven't rebuilt it . My wife is constantly hounding me to get a new one up and running. I'd rather be out taking photos but I'm afraid I'll give in soon. Thanks again, everyone!
Christine from Somewhere about 9years ago said:
They are all very beautiful Jim. I am still waiting for your website. ?????
Jack Forge from Seattle about 9years ago said:
Like a stained glass window on Nature's Realm.
Laura from Brasil about 9years ago said:
Besides the beauty of the moment, flawless light......Wonderful photo, dear Jim ; )
David from U.K about 9years ago said:
Another great one Jim
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