Nature Pic of the Day - 20161006 - A Creek Runs Through It
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October 6, 2016: A Creek Runs Through It
Redwoods in Muir Woods National monument
Credit & Copyright: NPOD
A Creek Runs Through It: A creek runs through the giant coastal redwoods of Muir Woods National Monument

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2016-10-11 22:47:37
Poppyseed from Ontario about 8years ago said:
A distant relative I guess. My friend was Donald Muir. He passed away at age 93. Wonderful man, great nature lover. My mentor.
Ken from Ohio about 8years ago said:
Poppyseed, your friend was related to John Muir?
Poppyseed from Ontario about 8years ago said:
Agreed Laura this is a magic place where forest fairies live. My friend was related to the Muirs of the Muir woods.
Laura from BRasil about 8years ago said:
Wonderful trees .....Magic place, Muir Woods National : )
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