Nature Pic of the Day - 20200905 - Ribbit!
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September 5, 2020: Ribbit!
Hidden Frogs
Credit & Copyright: NPOD
Ribbit!: How many frogs can you find in this picture?

Your Rating: 0.5/51.0/51.5/52.0/52.5/53.0/53.5/54.0/54.5/55.0/5
Avg. Rating: 3.5
2020-09-07 18:09:01
Nate from NPOD HQ about 4years ago said:
Yep, 4 in the center, and one at the top right, with it's back to us.
Someone from Somewhere about 4years ago said:
Pity the interest in nature seems to have vanished. Yes, it's a fun picture.
HowieG from New England about 4years ago said:
I could only find the 4 in the center. Sorry, Sweetpes, I can't see your desk. :-) Why is the rating so low? This is a fun photo. Come on people, have some fun.
Sweetpea from Somewhere about 4years ago said:
Yes, I missed the one sitting on my desk. His name is Albert. :)
Nate from NPOD HQ about 4years ago said:
There are 5!
Sweetpea from Somewhere about 4years ago said:
Three very obvious, but could be four? Do tell!!!
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