Nature Pic of the Day
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Photographer: HowieG
From: Central MA
Number of NPODs: 9

A Bald Eagle Soars Majestically Over The Bay
Photographer: HowieG
# of Views: 829
Avg. Rating: 5
Mendenhall Glacier Waterfall
Photographer: HowieG
# of Views: 1065
Avg. Rating: 4.88
The Moon, Venus, And A Sunset
Photographer: HowieG
# of Views: 1050
Avg. Rating: 4.63
Newly Laid Cardinal Eggs
Photographer: HowieG
# of Views: 1611
Avg. Rating: 4.7
New Snow and a Bright Blue Sky
Photographer: HowieG
# of Views: 1707
Avg. Rating: 4
Morning Glories
Photographer: HowieG
# of Views: 2358
Avg. Rating: 4.67
Fall Comes To New England
Photographer: HowieG
# of Views: 2069
Avg. Rating: 4.7
I Have An Eye On You
Photographer: HowieG
# of Views: 2765
Avg. Rating: 4.57
Post Thanksgiving Dinner on Fire Island, NY
Photographer: HowieG
# of Views: 2535
Avg. Rating: 4.5
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