Nature Pic of the Day
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Photographer: Irineu Felippe de Abreu Filho
From: Campinas, S. Paulo, Brazil
Number of NPODs: 7

Enlightened Nature
Photographer: Irineu Felippe de Abreu Filho
# of Views: 5286
Avg. Rating: 3.25
Nervous Nature in a Lightning Storm
Photographer: Irineu Felippe de Abreu Filho
# of Views: 5161
Avg. Rating: 2.97
Excess Water in the Brazilian Summer
Photographer: Irineu Felippe de Abreu Filho
# of Views: 4226
Avg. Rating: 2.74
Juice Fly
Photographer: Irineu Felippe de Abreu Filho
# of Views: 4387
Avg. Rating: 3.05
Madam Spider Packing the Snack
Photographer: Irineu Felippe de Abreu Filho
# of Views: 4825
Avg. Rating: 2.84
Scandalous Cry
Photographer: Irineu Felippe de Abreu Filho
# of Views: 4506
Avg. Rating: 2.89
A Colorful Micro Life
Photographer: Irineu Felippe de Abreu Filho
# of Views: 5619
Avg. Rating: 2.93
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