Nature Pic of the Day
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Photographer: Lydia Hoyle
From: Anchorage, AK
Number of NPODs: 9

Mount Foraker
Photographer: Lydia Hoyle
# of Views: 1346
Avg. Rating: 5
The Great One is Out!
Photographer: Lydia Hoyle
# of Views: 1268
Avg. Rating: 4.88
A Pondering Puffball
Photographer: Lydia Hoyle
# of Views: 1643
Avg. Rating: 4.33
Red Winged Party Goer
Photographer: Lydia Hoyle
# of Views: 1576
Avg. Rating: 3.83
Smoke in Water
Photographer: Lydia Hoyle
# of Views: 3409
Avg. Rating: 3.9
Farm Fairy Tale
Photographer: Lydia Hoyle
# of Views: 4597
Avg. Rating: 3.5
Soft Sea of Gold
Photographer: Lydia Hoyle
# of Views: 5098
Avg. Rating: 2.9
Wolf Mark
Photographer: Lydia Hoyle
# of Views: 5143
Avg. Rating: 3.2
Are We Out Of The Woods Yet?
Photographer: Lydia Hoyle
# of Views: 4692
Avg. Rating: 2.83
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