Nature Pic of the Day
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Photographer: Marina Linhares
From: Niteroi (Rio de Janeiro), Brasil
Number of NPODs: 8

Um Pedaço do Meu Dia (A Piece of my Day)
Photographer: Marina Linhares
# of Views: 4302
Avg. Rating: 2.06
Borboletas sempre voltam... (Butterflies always return ...)
Photographer: Marina Linhares
# of Views: 4157
Avg. Rating: 2.33
Devaneios de um Pingo em Queda Livre
Photographer: Marina Linhares
# of Views: 4410
Avg. Rating: 2.23
Mosca da Flor Solitaria
Photographer: Marina Linhares
# of Views: 4264
Avg. Rating: 2.23
Beija-Flor... elegancia...
Photographer: Marina Linhares
# of Views: 4502
Avg. Rating: 2.44
Esses Pequenos Gigantes (These Little Giants)...
Photographer: Marina Linhares
# of Views: 4779
Avg. Rating: 2.66
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