Nature Pic of the Day - 20120229 - Canvas
Nature Pic of the Day
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February 29, 2012: Canvas
beautiful river rock
Credit & Copyright: Maks Rozenbaum from Olney, MD, USA
Canvas: "Here is Nature's abstract painting from Scotland."
Happy Leap Day everyone!

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2012-03-05 00:54:10
Betty from Canada about 12years ago said:
Great shop Macks. I'd love to be wading around there, rock jumping! looks so tempting!
Colorado from USA about 12years ago said:
Excellent. I plan on using in my class when I introduce "rocks". The foliated metamorhic bedrock will be a warm up quaetion.
Inge from Canada about 12years ago said:
The longer I look the more I like it. It is almost hypnotic.
Mira from Canada about 12years ago said:
I like it, I like it very much. I could see myself as a youngster exploring the place with my friends. Great photo Macks.
Laura from Brasil about 12years ago said:
Great nature's design in this photo, Maks. Wonderful colors...Have a good day!
Ali from Tehran about 12years ago said:
How wonderful! Reminded me of watercolor effect. Thank you Macks.
Christine from Australia about 12years ago said:
Oh I do like that one Macks. All wild and unspoilt things (including flowers) have a beauty about them, that cannot be surpassed. Four stars for that one.
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