Nature Pic of the Day - 20120916 - Seeds
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September 16, 2012: Seeds
Tropical plant seeds in Brazil
Credit & Copyright: LAURA BRUNO from BRASIL
Seeds: "Life is coming....."

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2012-09-16 18:26:03
Laura from Brasil about 12years ago said:
Hello Christine, Inge, Betty and Mira! Mira, like Christine wrote, this is a cycad or fern palm, growing in my garden....Have a wonderful week, dear friends. Hugs! :)
Mira from India about 12years ago said:
Great shot Laura. Beautiful close up. What is it exactly?
Betty from Canada about 12years ago said:
Looks like a little Tumbleweed! Great close-up Laura.
Inge from Canada about 12years ago said:
Seeds. Hope and promise for the future. Well done, Laura.
Christine from Australia about 12years ago said:
Hello Laura. What a lovely cycad. Looks almost like something that might come from a coral garden. Hugs. :)
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