Nature Pic of the Day - 20180527 - Up & Down
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May 27, 2018: Up & Down
Brazilian lake in a forest
Credit & Copyright: LAURA BRUNO from BRASIL
Up & Down: "Nature in the sky & in the water."

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2018-06-04 18:42:26
Laura from Brasil about 6years ago said:
Thank you Dear Christine : ) I loved your words....
Laura from Brasil about 6years ago said:
Thank you, Greg : ) This beautiful place is special ....
Laura from Brasil about 6years ago said:
Thank you so much Renee...Yes, They are ! : )
Christine from Somewhere about 6years ago said:
How very lovely Laura. You are an artist who loves nature, and heaven loves you.
Greg from Australia about 6years ago said:
Nice composition, Laura. I love the 'arrowhead' pointing to the middle of the frame. Nice touch!
Renee from PA about 6years ago said:
Wow! Reflections are amazing subjects to photograph. Well done !
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