Nature Pic of the Day - 20181013 - Perseverance
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October 13, 2018: Perseverance
A walk through the woods
Credit & Copyright: LAURA BRUNO from BRASIL
Perseverance: "To Be Better Than Yesterday."

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2018-10-16 12:53:50
Laura from Brasil about 6years ago said:
Nate, Thank you for everything...NPOD is a very special place to be : ) Hugs !
Laura from Brasil about 6years ago said:
Thank you so much, Sweetpea ... Always kind words about the photos : ) Hugs, Dear friend...
Laura from Brasil about 6years ago said:
Doug, I am someone from somewhere : )
Laura from Brasil about 6years ago said:
Renee : ) I loved your idea! This way is so beautiful and why not walk together ? Hugs, Dear friend....
Laura from Brasil about 6years ago said:
Dear Rob : ) Thank you so much ... We are a gift ...with our hearts and with our photos... Nature is everything and we can see It .. with Respect and Gratitude.. In this special site, we can show this Life : ) Thank you Rob ! Hugs !
Someone from Somewhere about 6years ago said:
Hi Doug : ) So happy with your kind words. The Nature s Beauty is a Gift, don t you think ? Hugs Dear friend. Have a great day !
Sweetpea from Somewhere about 6years ago said:
Yes to all three. :)
Renee from PA about 6years ago said:
Ooooooooh! So inviting...so peaceful....so lovely. Thank you! (I%u2019ll be right over to go for a walk with you!)
rob barrett from minneapolis about 6years ago said:
Laura, you are a gift.
Doug from Dallas , TX about 6years ago said:
Majestic. Thanks Laura for all the beauty you see and share with the world. :-)
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